Safety first: Guidelines for issue-free renovation
It’s exciting to think about a newly renovated house, as through renovation you can create the house of
your dreams. However, you cannot snap your fingers and get to the final result, as it is a complex
process that takes time and comes with lots of risks. This article covers the most important decisions
and safety precautions that need to be taken to ensure a safe environment while renovating your house,
so you might want to take a look.
Disclaimer: This post is a collaboration
Hire an authorized construction company
Given the cost of renovating your house, it’s understandable to avoid paying a lot for a construction
company and opt for the most affordable option. Their previous projects might qualify them for working
on your house, but it feels like you’re missing something: Are they licensed? If you think this aspect is just a superficial formality that doesn’t matter that much, it’s time to ground yourself in reality and
recognize how vital this aspect is. After all, it is not only about the final result but also the work done
along the way and the inherent risks that probably never crossed your mind. Let’s discuss how much
trouble an authorized company can save.
When hiring a contractor, authorisation is not just an optional piece of paper because it comes as an
assurance that the workers are professionals, the services provided are done to code, and the final
project will meet your expectations. Reputable contractors ensure more than a beautiful outcome, as in
this kind of project, it is not the only aspect that requires attention.
Additionally worker’s compensation and liability insurance are at least as important as the company covers any financial expenses associated with potential accidents or damage that can occur during the remodeling process. Make sure you hire an authorised and insured contractor to avoid being held liable in case one of the workers gets injured while working on your premises. If the company lacks insurance, you might have to pay for the worker’s injuries and compensate them for experiencing an accident.
Remove utility hazards
During a renovation, it’s essential to prioritise safety and prevent accidents by turning off water, gas,
and electricity. Although water leaks may not seem dangerous, it’s important to recognize the damage
they can cause to your walls, floor, and belongings due to their capacity to rot wood and corrode metal.
To prevent leaks, carbon monoxide poisoning, and even explosions, it would be wise to turn off gas
before starting the renovation process because it is extremely inflammable.
Turn off the main power supply to prevent electrical fires and accidental shocks while renovating.
However, if the renovation is only taking place in several rooms, turn off the circuit breakers that
correspond with them.
Buy non-toxic and eco-friendly products
Considering that 10% of carbon emissions come from the fabrication and processing of construction
materials, and assuming harming the planet is not one of your three top wish lists, choosing sustainable
materials is a good choice. Consider these suggestions if you need help determining where to begin and
how to make a difference.
Steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world, as its early production volume is greater than
that of plastic, glass, paper, and aluminum combined. It is resistant to corrosion and fire and can be
utilized for structural components in construction and renovations.
Given that you’ve seen at least one bottle of wine in your life, you’re familiar with cork. It’s an eco-
friendly building material that resists water, abrasion, and fire so that it could be a sustainable choice for
your renovation. Bamboo, timber, clay, and mycelium are other eco-friendly materials you can choose
from. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to benefit the planet?
Moreover, you can be eco-friendly and improve air quality in your house by choosing non-toxic paint, as
traditional one is made of dangerous chemicals that can cause many health issues for those who spend
much time around the fumes it produces. You can use natural paints made of lime, clay, or plant-based
oils as an alternative. We cannot say the same thing about conventional adhesives and sealants, which are very toxic and should be replaced with safer alternatives such as natural latex, plant-based
adhesives, and water-based sealants.
How to stay safe when you DIY renovation
Well, if you really cannot afford to hire a construction firm or you simply want to do it yourself, you
need to prioritize safety and consider the following aspects before starting. Acknowledge the complexity of a renovation and follow strict guidelines, as it would be a fragrant mistake to follow TikTok trends such as fractal wood burning, which caused the death of at least 33 people.
The first thing you should do is find out what toxic products you should avoid and what clothes you
should wear. Renovation is not a fashion show, and it requires a strict outfit: a welding helmet, safety
glasses, protective gloves, long pants, and a shirt with sleeves. If you do not have good quality tools, buy them immediately; it is a good investment if we think about how many severe accidents damaged ones can cause.
Avoid getting involved with gas pipes at all costs because this job needs to be done exclusively by
professionals. Always have a good fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit by your side. Be honest with
yourself and think really well about whether you can do a task or not, as it is recommended to request
help when a situation gets out of hand.
Painting seems like a lovely activity that can be done easily, but remember to open windows and doors
to make sure the place is well-ventilated, as you will be exposed to countless chemicals.
When you decide to renovate your house, whether you hire a construction firm or do it yourself,
research is the key. It is essential to acknowledge the difference between a licensed company and a
commercial one and remember that quality matters the most. Choosing an authorised company might
be more expensive, but better be safe than sorry. However, if you insist on doing it yourself, please be
careful and remember that your safety is on the line. Good luck!