Things I’m Loving This Week 11th – 17th April 2021
I have genuinely loved the past week. There is a much more positive atmosphere everywhere now more is open and I’ve taken full advantage. I’m absolutely knackered after the busiest week I’ve had in a while but I’m not complaining – it’s been much better than being bored from sitting on the sofa in front of the tv the entire time. Here’s what I’ve been loving this week.
Last Sunday we were awake so early, that we decided to head down to the beach for sunrise. My sister and her boyfriend have been doing it quite a bit and said it’s worth doing if you’re up, so we did and although it was absolutely freezing it was nice to have the beach to ourselves.
I paid a visit to Local NCL, the newly opened coffee house and shop on Acorn Rd in Jesmond later in the day. It’s a great concept bringing together local brands, so I’ve shared a full blog on them here. Would definitely recommend paying them a visit for the ice cream and hot chocolate alone.
Monday was the most positive Monday in so long, it was great so see queues outside of hairdressers, cafes reopening and by the end of the day beer gardens full around the North East. It’s been far too long – almost 6 months thanks so the tier system and national lockdowns.
We had a table booked at our local for Monday night and it was very surreal, but great to be back. Kierans back at the gym in a morning too, so I took Arthur for another sunrise walk at Whitley Bay on one of the days.
A much clearer day than it had been on the Sunday meant it was gorgeous seeing the sun rise over the sea. You can’t beat living at the coast.
On Wednesday I was invited up to Fenwick’s where the girls from LRM Goods who specialise in personalised leather bags have a pop up for a couple of weeks. The bags are gorgeous, really beautiful colours especially for the summer and they’re likely going to have a permanent concession. You can find out more about them and see more pics on this Instagram post.
Thursday was my first proper night out since the bars reopened, and I went to Beach Box with some of the girls I used to work with at DFDS. The last time we got together was last August so it’s been a long time and it was so good to see them all.
Then yesterday was a Saturday out at various bars in Newcastle with my girls. Honestly booking tables for the right times within walking distance and making the perfect itinerary is an art form. I’m calling it now that Market Shaker will be the hardest place to get tables this summer, I really enjoy it in there and the service was the best of every place we went to.
Of course it was Prince Philips funeral yesterday and that photo of the Queen on her own was just so sad. Bless her heart. I’ve enjoyed seeing all the photos and stories of his life that have been shared the past week, makes you realise just how much he did for Queen and country.
So overall aside from the royal funeral and the sad death of Helen McCrory (RIP Pol), it’s been a very positive week, seeing people again and being able to do things again.
I’m about ready to tackle the emotional intense rollercoaster that is Line of Duty now too.
Have a great week.