Things I’m Loving This Week & Happy Easter Weekend
A day late with it being the bank holiday Easter weekend – but hope everyone had a lovely Easter yesterday. It’s been nice to see photos of people together again and enjoying themselves hasn’t it. We had a quiet day in front of the tv yesterday after a busy few days previously. Here’s things I’m loving from the past week.
The main thing for me was the end of my time at DFDS, with my last day on Wednesday. I received some lovely presents, messages and calls from people I’ve worked with over the last 5 years, so despite not being in the office as normal for my last day it was a nice end to my time there.
As well as working with some fabulous people I also traveled to some incredible places, and I shared some photos on Instagram that I took of my work travels. It was hard to choose as I’ve taken thousands but this was a selection.
Work travel can be so tiring and draining when flights are delayed, personal time is affected and you spend a lot of time sitting in airports, but if there’s one thing I always made myself do it was to get out and explore each place I went to rather than sitting in a hotel on my own. I’m so glad I did that.
And finally on this subject, I moved to DFDS to start a career in social media years after I finished uni. When I left uni a career in social media didn’t even exist, or it was very much just beginning to happen – so my words of wisdom are that it’s never too late to do something you’ve either always wanted to do or to change the path you’re on.
Im now very much looking forward to starting my new job this week. Ready for a change, new challenge and a fresh start – and is there anything better than a blank notebook waiting to be scribbled in? 🤓
I had the best afternoon on Thursday, when I went up to Amble to spend it with Hannah in her garden and hot tub. We drank way too much Prosecco between just the two of us but I’m sure we weren’t the only ones this weekend now we can see people again. And why the hell not after so long.
Family bbqs were how we spent Friday and Saturday afternoons, pretty much like the rest of England! My dad made some unbelievable garlic and chilli prawns – I’ve missed having food made for me.
Now it’s April I shared another monthly things to do, which was a lot easier now restrictions are easing and we don’t have to be stuck at home as much. You can find it here if you want some April inspiration.
TV has been pretty rubbish overall but Line of Duty is getting good now the series is in full swing – thoroughly enjoying it and we also watched the Killer Women by Piers Morgan series on Netflix this week which is just mind boggling.
The weeks deliveries included some Easter treats from the Great British cupcakery, a box of brownies that are just huge. And some goodies from Nil Living, the zero waste and refill shop in the Grainger market. Parcels arriving is always fun but I am looking forward to being able to browse the shops again from next week when non essential retail reopens.
Hope you’re having a relaxing bank holiday, and have a great week.