Things I’m Loving This week – & Happy Valentine’s Day!
Firstly Happy Valentine’s Day! Any excuse for a day that doesn’t just blend to the next is good for me, and I know some people find this day hard especially if you’ve been involved in a break up, but I do think this year it’s more about people you love in general rather than just limited to a partner. I hope you enjoy the day regardless if that applies to you, and if not focus on Pancake Day on Tuesday instead!
One of the biggest highlights of the past week has got to be the day my Havio delivery arrived, including the beautiful femme candle in white and two bubble candles. They’re absolutely gorgeous and even better that they’re created by a local small business, Havio Designs – check them out on instagram. I had a lot of messages about the female one, it is beautiful I think I’m going to get it in black too.
With a total lack of things to watch on Netflix at the moment, I have ended up getting fully into Downton Abbey on Prime, but it really winds me up how as soon as you start watching a series they tell you they’re taking it off in so many days. It really puts the pressure on to make you watch it so I’ve been on a bit of a marathon. I’ve got a season and a half to go. I know I’m very late to the Downton party, and it is good but I don’t thing I’d have stuck at watching it weekly on TV.
In the evenings we have been watching the newest season of Jack Whitehall Travels with my Father which is great, easy watching and very funny. I do feel like Netflix needs to roll out something big very soon as it’s tailed off since Bridgerton.
A lot of my time at the moment is being spent trying to find a house, as we have to move out of the flat. It’s so time consuming which is why I’ve not shared as many blogs this week. I did get one put together on Friday that lists everything new coming to Newcastle for 2021. There’s bars, restaurants, glamping huts, rooftop terraces and more. I’ll be adding to it throughout the year and I really hope we get to enjoy everywhere soon.
Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year have been a good excuse for a lot of places to do specials or extras on their menu. I wrote about them in my Valentine’s Day takeaway post here, but on Tuesday we went for the Nudo Sushi salmon and chicken platter. As always the food was delicious, so I hope they keep it on the menu as the platter is really good value.
The rest of the week has been filled with snow days, and for once I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them. I don’t mind the snow but it can be a real stress driving in it, so with working from home at the moment I’ve not had the commute and it’s been nice to go on snowy afternoon walks. I’ve done three long walks from home, including right along to the Spanish City, and around the Rising Sun which was beautiful on a sunny day.
I’ve been very organised for Valentine’s Day this year, mainly because I hate queuing for M&S to find that everything’s I want is out of stock, but thankfully they seem to have ordered a good amount of stuff this year so I had no issues. I also ordered Kieran’s present last weekend on Prime and it arrived the next day. We don’t really do presents for Valentine’s, preferring to go out instead but I had a good idea for this year. He got me a bottle of Whispering Angel so that’s my afternoon sorted.
Yesterday I also got a Valentine’s treat box from Saras Cakes North East, and they’re absolutely amazing. Red velvet is my all time favourite and I thoroughly enjoyed it with my coffee this morning.
We had our dine in for two meal last night as a Saturday night is just more ‘date night’ isn’t it, and it meant we could have a proper drink with no work the next day. The M&S scotch eggs are the closest you’ll find to the ones from the Broad Chare, and followed by the steak it was a lovely meal. I know everyone in the world gets them but they are really good.
So our afternoon today is about to be spent with the sport on TV, a glass of wine in my hand, and a Sunday roast for dinner tonight. Suits me fine for a snowy lockdown Valentine’s Sunday.
Have a happy Valentine’s Day and a great week!
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