April 2020 Monthly Round Up
I can’t decide if April has flown or gone so slow, it seems a lifetime ago that I was writing my March round up, but I feel like April has been a lot less of a slog despite Lockdown. It’s crazy how much the situation can change and the effects it has on you. My April, despite the circumstances was I think as good as it can be, with a few wobbler moments but in general not too bad. Here’s what I’ve been doing through Lockdown April.

For the most part of it I was still working full time Monday – Friday, which provided a lot of structure but also came with plenty challenges. Both Kieran and I were working, and although we were both at home it was hard to look after an energetic puppy at the same time. I was grateful for the routine though, and I still looked forward to my weekends despite not being able to go anywhere.

We really make the most of our evening walks after work, and our weekends as it’s really hard living in a flat with no outside space. When we moved in we didn’t even think anything of it, as we’re usually constantly out and about and had big plans for the summer. It wasn’t to be and although it can be frustrating it means we have enjoyed them when we get out.
We’ve mainly stuck to the cycle and bridal pathways through the fields, Earsdon and down to Whitley Bay a few times. That’s as far as we’ve got and I’m not going to lie, I really can’t wait to see Tynemouth and the Quayside again. They’re so close but still so far at the moment. Hopefully when restrictions ease we might be able to get there.
I’m missing Sunday’s at the pub the most, and being out with people, I never have free weekends! But I think we’ve done an alright job of keeping entertained and trying to make the best go it. We’ve certainly had plenty hangovers from Houseparty drinking sessions, virtual quizzes, and a lot of bottomless brunching that just extend over the whole weekend.

I’ve ‘met’ and spoke to a bunch of new people I probably wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for all this, and I’ve kept in touch with all my family and friends a lot more too. If we’re taking the positives that would definitely be one of mine. We’ve also had some good food, with deliveries from local businesses and we made our first Sunday roast which was a roaring success.
One of my favourite Saturday night’s so far has been the virtual hen do we did for my cousin Lucy. We were supposed to be out in Newcastle that day for the home leg, but as we couldn’t we still tried to make it special. Have a look at what we did and how to throw a virtual hen do here.

I’ve wrote a lot more blog posts than I thought I’d be able to, as despite initially not having much spare time I have got a good few written, including 121 realistic things to do on lockdown, how to pull yourself out of a lockdown low, and my favourite one – 35 things that will happen in Newcastle when lockdown ends.
I need to talk about this briefly as I’ve never ever had so many people view a blog post before. I woke up at 5am one morning and couldn’t get back to sleep so just started writing it, and had it done in half an hour. It was meant to be a bit of fun and it just gained momentum of people sharing it so quickly that to date it’s had 62 thousand views.
To me that’s absolutely crazy, and a huge thank you to everyone who shared it. For those that don’t know shares like that really do make a difference to the success of blogs, and the opportunities it can open up, so they really are hugely appreciated. I had a lot of lovely messages on instagram from new followers and people who have read it, and it’s always nice to actually speak to people rather than just see a statistic on google analytics. And of course my own friends and family who are always so supportive.

I’ve been loving instagram again, and over Easter weekend I decided to share some throwback photos of my trip to Rome. I kept it going and it’s become a bit of a weekend tradition now where I share photos from a different destination. I put polls up and go with the majority vote. We might not be able to travel for a while but it’s made me want to go back to so many places when we finally can. This weekend it’s Capri, so follow along here.

Things changed for me last week when I found out that I was going to be furloughed from Monday of this week, as part of a second round of people. Thankfully I’m not losing out on any money, which was my biggest concern, but other than that I’m feeling fine about it, and I’ve got the attitude that it’s an opportunity for a well earned break.
I was a bit worried about lack of structure so I’ve made a point of getting up and planning my days as I would if I was working. I’ve just swapped ‘work’ with blog, and I’ve took some of my own advice from my list of things to do during lockdown. I’m actually quite enjoying it, especially the extra time with Arthur.

Although it’s not a competition how productive you can be, my life has gone from being fast paced all the time to the opposite and I’m the type of person who needs to be doing things. I’m making the most of having the time to do all the things that get pushed to the bottom of the list, and for anyone interested I’m sharing my new furlough life on Instagram stories.
I know it isn’t for everyone and a lot of people choose to use the time to switch off, but social media is a huge bonus for me at these times. I’m it’s biggest fan anyway if used correctly but some of the humour and uplifting stories to be found make my day. Captain, or should I now say Colonel Tom?! What a guy. I have cried four times already today when I see his 100th birthday stories, and god knows what state I’ll be in for the NHS clap tonight.
Suddenly the whole world has gone virtual and I feel like I’m in a good position to make the most of it. Don’t worry I have not and will not ever be that girl with a full face of make up posing for Tik Tok videos. But if that’s you and it gets you through the day then crack on. For me it’s about keeping me in touch with people, giving me a lot of laughs and even just conversations over a coffee to keep me sane.

If you’re thinking of getting creative or starting a blog or instagram but not sure where to start get in touch. I can talk for hours on the subject, and trust me it’s a lot of work that will take up a lot of time. It’s never too late, ignore anyone who turns their nose up, and don’t fall into the trap of thinking the space is ‘saturated’.
Most people who tell me they would love to do something like that say their biggest fear is what people would think or say. Well I think you shouldn’t give them a single speck of your time or energy. Shout out at this point to my girl Hannah, who has just launched her instagram account for her baby girl’s clothes. Have a look at Aurora Jane’s Wardrobe – she is rocking the lockdown looks. If only I could be as coordinated.
Whatever situation you’re in at the moment hope you’re keeping safe and well, and let’s keep everything crossed that May sees some lighter rules on social distancing. I miss people!!
Furlough Fox Life Update | Stephanie Fox Blog
6th May 2020 at 12:36 pm[…] I mentioned it in this post, I’ve had a lot more people message me about wanting to start up their own blog or instagram […]
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