Blogmas: Little Indulgences For Those ‘To Me From Me’ Moments
Last year Christmas was all about the small things, like being with people close to us for one day, and it certainly wasn’t all about extravagant gifts or elaborate Christmas trips. I still feel like that this year in a way, as I keep saying to myself don’t take any of it for granted. I’m doing a lot this month, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it and making the most of it after last year. Every overpriced cocktail and yet another meal out to me is worth every penny. I’ve always had the belief that if you want to do something you should – eat the cake, buy the bag, go on the trip – obviously if it’s doable. No regrets. So I’m a big believer in looking after yourself, treating yourself and allowing yourself some little indulgences in life if you can. Why not? If you work hard for your money, why shouldn’t you treat yourself. Sometimes even the smallest and inexpensive ‘to me, from me’ gift can go a long way.
What you need and what you want are very different things, but sometimes it’s nice to get something you want, which is exactly why they’re called indulgences. So this post isn’t about going and spending a fortune on more and more things you can’t really afford, but it’s also about not begrudging yourself when you do treat yourself. I just think we shouldn’t judge anyone.
The main thing is knowing what value it gives to you, and if it’s lasting enjoyment, takes away some sort of negativity, or just makes you happy then ‘to me, from me’ gifts are the very best kind. There’s no better feeling than gifting someone you love something they absolutely adore however big or small, and that goes for ourselves too. The last two years have put a lot of emphasis on looking after ourselves, and doing what we need to do, so here’s to being nice to yourself this Christmas.
These are just some of the little, and not so little indulgences I think are totally worth it, the ‘to me, from me’ gifts you won’t regret. Some are products, some are experiences, there’s literally no structure to this at all.
A Night Away, even in your own city
A change of scenery can be good for the soul, even if it’s a holiday home you own and go to all the time, one night in a nice hotel, or a last minute getaway not too far from home. We’ve not been away quite as much as I’d have liked this year, but we have done the odd short break. I love staying in hotels, and being looked after with all the toiletries, a fluffy bath robe and a hotel breakfast the next morning. Some of my best self care weekends this year were Kieran’s mums caravan, Warkworth House hotel even though I was severely hungover, our glamping trips and a weekend in the Lake District.
A Long Awaited Trip
How many of us had to postpone travel plans in 2020? We certainly did, by the time we got to Paris it was third time lucky and it still wasn’t straightforward until we actually got there. I’ve been to Paris many times, but it was honestly one of the best weekends of my entire year, it was just perfect and I think as well as just being an incredible place, we had waited so long for it. It was planned to perfection mind (obviously, I did it), and everything was how I hoped it would be – the weather, the food, the hotel and the views.
If there’s a trip you’re about ready to give up on because it hasn’t been able to go ahead yet, I’d say don’t give up hope on it. You will get there eventually and it will be even better because of the wait.
Finally getting Something you’ve saved for
I bought myself a Gucci bag when we were in Paris, and I’m not joking when I say I had wanted that bag for about 6 years. There was always something else to pay for, or it didn’t feel right at the time and then Paris was just the right time and place. I know some people frown on purchases like this but I have always been partial to a nice bag and cost per wear you can’t argue with me. It’s beautiful, and I still get excited over it every time I use it.
It doesn’t have to be a designer bag or pair of shoes, it might be as big as your first house, or just something small, there is a lot of satisfaction in treating yourself to something you’ve wanted for a long time and finally getting it.
I’m one of those people that finds a perfume I like and rarely sway from it. For me it’s Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt. This year the Christmas limited edition Jo Malone was advertised as pairing really nicely with the wood sage smell, so I tried it and LOVED it. The one off smells like the Christmas one only come in the big size, so they’re not cheap but I bought it for myself at the end of November. I could have asked for it for Christmas but I wanted to get my wear out of it. I’m wearing it daily.
Perfume is just one of those gorgeous luxuries that makes you feel good doesn’t it? The beautiful packaging and finding a smell you love – amazing.
I was invited to the Fenwick fragrance hall just this week to sample the new Jimmy Choo ‘I Want Choo’ and the whole brand, bottle and smell is perfect for Christmas. It comes in three sizes which is great for different budgets, and it has gift sets available. It’s a very girly, quite sweet perfume and it was created with ‘girls night out’ in mind.
*I was gifted the Jimmy Choo perfume but I wasn’t asked to post this.
A Stocked Bar Cart
Or wine fridge, or gin collection. For the days when you just really need a drink at the end of it, or really enjoy one. I love logging off on a Friday night and pouring myself a good glass of wine or a G&T. And not the cheap shit either, a really nice one with all the correct garnish and decent tonic. Non negotiable for me!
We were at a great wine tasting with a friends wine club last weekend and fully stocked up.
A good moisturiser
I’ve spoke in past blog posts this year about what a time I had with my skin for about a month in the summer, it wasn’t even spots it was just so dry and felt awful after all the mask wearing. I transformed my skincare and bought all new products of varying strengths depending on what it was like on the day, and have never looked back.
I’ve got three moisturisers that range from £24.99 (Florena natural moisture read my blog on it here), to £40 (Nektar available at Novellus Aesthetics clinic in Jesmond), and £45 on a night cream that is the most refreshing thing you will ever put on your face (Lancome Hydra zen). Investing in this has just made me feel so much better about myself and now we’re back to mask wearing I’m glad I’m sorted with what works for me and what doesn’t. I suppose this also leads me on to…
Or aesthetics treatments as Dr Land would tell me to say at Novellus clinic, mentioned above. I took the plunge with it in the summer and got an eyebrow lift, that had some other surprising benefits, and I now won’t look back. I shared all my thoughts on it in the instagram post below. I’ve been back once since for a top up and it’s been life changing. I just feel fresher and happier when I’ve had it done, which is the whole point. Have a read of the caption as all the details are in there, especially if you’re wary as I was one of those people too!
Deliveries & Online Orders
Ever just have a bit of an online spree? Whether it’s a new collection dropping from your favourite brand, or a restock of things that have ran out, I love an online order arriving. I think this developed in lockdown when I was ordering so much stuff for in the flat, or food packages that were a bit different. Look Fantastic are always good deliveries to order for yourself, or H&M, or Amazon, or the White Company…
Paddle Boarding
I told you this was a really random list! And it’s not all materialistic. We went paddle boarding on my cousins hen do and it was a lot of fun, very relaxing at times too. I rebooked to go with Kieran in August and we hit so lucky with the weather. There is a lot to be said about doing something active and fun, and in beautiful surroundings it was quite therapeutic. I know so many people who have taken it up this year, and enjoyed sunsets and sunrises, or just fun days out with people making memories.
I am all for things like this for a feel good day, so booking yourself experiences like this is a good gift to yourself.
It’s always nice to get new jewellery, especially when it’s really nice timeless pieces you will always wear. My sister got me some Monica Vinader earrings for being her bridesmaid, and my parents got me the matching necklace they’re gorgeous I’d wanted them for ages. I’m also a big fan of Daisy jewellery and got myself some rings too.
A Spa or Beauty Treatment
There was a week at the start of the year where I remember feeling really fed up. We were out of lockdown but there still wasn’t much happening, and I was bored and felt run down. I booked myself a nail appointment and a facial at Jesmond Beauty clinic and it was the best hour of my whole week. Self care treatments when someone else is doing them for you are the best.
I think the best time to treat yourself to a spa day or spa break is at the end of January. It gives you something to look forward to at the end of a long dreary month. My blogmas post on winter spa and hotel breaks for January 2022 has some inspiration.
Fresh Coffee & Fresh Bread
Another two quite random things, but again these were the ‘little things’ that helped my sanity earlier in the year before life got back to normal. I shared a post on local coffee brands and breakfast boxes, and I really enjoyed trying them all out. I’ve got my favourites now and you can’t beat the smell or taste of a fresh coffee on a Saturday morning. Any day actually.
Another cliche but fresh bread from the bakery? Unreal. My go to ones are Pure Knead or Pink Lane Bakery depending on if I’m at home or work, but when you’re having pasta for tea getting a chunky focaccia to have with olive oil and balsamic is literally heavenly.
Two very simple things that just make all the difference.
Sundays well spent
Sundays are my favourite day of the week, from a weekend brunch somewhere really good, to watching sport in the pub all afternoon, going for a walk with the dog and having a Sunday roast in a really good pub. Sundays have so much potential! A day that is truly your own, filled with good food is unbeatable. I’ve had some really good Sunday dinners recently, including the Broad Chare (always), the Whittling House in Alnmouth, and the Cook & Barker. Most of the places I mentioned in this blog about places to eat in Northumberland were on Sundays.
A Night Off
We had a very hectic summer with a lot of plans, weddings, trips and such like, and it’s the same again now in the run up to Christmas. I am absolutely not complaining, I love living life like that I really do, but I also very much appreciate a night off and in when I get them, especially when there’s no work in the morning. Candle on, pyjamas on, and relax. Nights like this for me really are an indulgence, as they’re so rare. Maybe I’ll get the balance better next year…
These are just some of the little indulgences I appreciate for myself, and that always provide a pick me up or highlight moments. This post really reminds me of one I shared last year on hygge and how to experience it. Hygge definitely sways more towards the experiences side of things rather than products to buy but if you’re still reading this I’d recommend reading that one next.
What are your ‘to me from me’ things that you afford yourself once in a while?
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Blogmas: What is hygge and how to experience it – from last years Blogmas but still relevant.
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